User Manual v1.02
TCP/IP Commands.
The ESP32LR42 has a built in TCP/IP command set which allows you to control the module
All commands are sent using plain ASCII text. PuTTY is a good cross platform terminal program to
use for testing. The TCP/IP port is the one you set-up with the PA command during USB
configuration. Do not use port 80 as that is reserved for the HTML commands and Webpage.
SR Set Relay.
This is used to turn a relay on or off
To turn Relay 1 on:
SR 1 1
The first number is the relay number from 1 to 8.
The second number is 1 or 0, on or off.
So turn turn relay 1 off again:
SR 1 0
The command will respond with ok or fail.
SR 1 1
SR 1 6
< 6 is not valid, only 1 or 0 for on/off
SR 9 1
< relay 9 does not exist.
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