Engine Systems
Engine Systems
The engine systems are as follows:
Fuel System
The fuel system consists of DDEC control system, fuel injectors, unit pumps, fuel filter module, filter, injection nozzles, and
the necessary connecting fuel lines.
Lubrication System
Clean, pressurized oil is fed to all components via passages in the engine block and cylinder head.
Air System
Outside air enters the engine through the air filter, is drawn to the turbocharger, is then compressed, forced through the air-to-
air charge cooler (heat exchanger) and is cooled. Next, it flows to the intake manifold and into the cylinders, where it mixes
with atomized fuel from the injectors.
For optimum engine protection from dust and other airborne contaminants, service the dry-type air cleaners when the
maximum allowable air restriction has been reached.
Cooling System
A radiator/thermo-modulated fan cooling system is used on the engine. This system has a centrifugal-type coolant pump to
circulate coolant within the engine. The thermostat controls the flow of coolant.
Electrical System
The electrical system consists of a starting motor, starting switch, battery-charging alternator, storage batteries, and necessary
Exhaust System
Hot exhaust gas from the exhaust manifolds is used to drive the turbocharger.
7 Engine Systems
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