2. Purpose
Treatment device “DETA-AP-13” is designed for exogenous
bioresonance therapy of a wide range of diseases via the eff ects
of electromagnetic low-energy radiation on the body.
The device operates at frequencies that allow you to conduct
therapy for infectious diseases and those associated with in-
fection with programs especially designed for the device. The
method of using the programs is simple, easy to understand,
and requires no special training. The strong therapeutic eff ect is
achieved due to the deep penetrative capability of the electro-
magnetic fi eld on the body. The high precision rate of setting
the frequency provides the possibility of aiming at a particular
type of infectious pathogen and destroying it.
The therapeutic eff ect when using “DETA-AP-13” is based on
the latest scientifi c opinions set out in guidelines.
The “DETA-AP-13” portable device, programmable with a
computer allows you to conduct therapy using any of 13 pro-
grams. Each program is designed to treat a particular disease or
group of diseases.