8. Directions for use of the device
Point of eff ect
. Due to the high penetrative capability of the
electromagnetic fi eld, it is not necessary to remove clothing. It
is necessary to place the device close to the pathological focus
to obtain the most pronounced therapeutic eff ect.
Using the device. Session
- this is a one-time therapeutic
eff ect, during which there is destruction of a certain type of
pathogen or elimination of pathological changes in tissues
within a set framework of frequencies. The most pronounced
therapeutic eff ect results from a course of treatment.
Course of treatment
- this is several sessions. The course
duration is determined by the resistance of the pathogen to
exposure of the resonance frequencies, and also the degree
of pathological changes to organs and tissues (see guidelines).
Before conducting therapy, a diagnosis must be established
and the infectious pathogen identifi ed for correct program
selection. Diagnostics must be used for this. When the patho-
gen has been identifi ed, programs are selected aimed at the
eliminating it. After treatment, it is recommended to tests are
undergone to ensure the problem is resolved. If the problem is
not completely resolved, treatment must be repeated.
It should be noted that during therapy, the underlying dis-
ease may be aggravated, which may be accompanied by gener-
al tiredness, a temperature, weakness, etc., which is associated
with the elimination of the infectious pathogen. In this event,
you should use detoxifi cation programs more frequently, and
drink suffi
cient pure drinking water. The treatment course pro-
cedure indicated for each disease should be strictly adhered to
in order to attain maximum benefi ts.