3. Make sure CPA plate is directly
under one of the ionizer's fan.
4. Hold down "+" on the balance
button located on the side of the
ionizer. Record the highest
positive reading and record on
piece of paper. Hold down "-" on
the balance button and record the
highest negative reading. Use the
formula below to calculate where
the balance needs to be set,
before adjusting any of the VR.
Once calculation is completed
and lets say your final balance is -
15V, press balancing buttons on
the side of the ionizer to get -15V
on CPA reading.
(A +B)/2 = C
A = highest positive reading
B = highest negative reading
C = center balance of ionizer
5. Remove white caps located in the
front of the ionizer.
6. See figure 6. For VR (variable
resistor) locations. Fans from
right to left side are labeled 1 to
4, VR from right to left side are
labeled 6, 5, 2 and 1 . So if you
have the CPA under fan 1, you
are going to adjust VR6. Adjust
VR6 so balance on CPA reads
0Volts @ +/-15Volts. Move the
CPA from fan 1 to next fan, fan 2
and adjust VR5 to 0Volts @ +/-
15Volts, repeat these set for all
fans. All fans should be at 0Volts
@+/- 15Volts.
7. Have CPA under fan 1 and charge
CPA to +1000Volts and test the
decay time. Unit should decay
under 5secs @ 18" from grill of
unit to plate of CPA. Charge CPA
to -1000Volts and test the decay
time. Unit should decay under
5secs @ 18" from grill of unit to
plate of CPA. Do this for all fans.
Ionizer that is over 18" will have
a slightly higher decay time.
Adjust Alarm Setting:
1. Turn VR3 counter clockwise to
where the alarm starts or when
the status LED turns "RED".
While turning VR3 clockwise
count how many turns until unit
starts alarming again. Divide that
number of turns in half and
subtract 3.5 turns to give you the
number of turns you need to turn
VR3 counter clockwise. Now turn
VR4 counter clockwise to where
the alarm starts or when the status
LED turns "RED". Now turn VR3
3.5 turns counter clockwise and
alarm is now set.
Page 7 of 9
Auto-Calibration Unit Adjustment:
1. Have CPA plate directly under
one of the fan of ionizer plus
auto-cal next to it.
2. Observe balance reading on CPA.
3. Under the ionizer to the right side,
there is a hole where the VR for
the auto-calibration system is
located. Turn the VR slowly
clockwise or counter clockwise to
zero out the balance of the auto-
cal system. Be sure to give the
auto cal 30sec for it to adjust
itself every time VR has been
4. Move the CPA plate and auto-cal
to the next fan, balance should be
at 0Volts @ +/-15Volts.
5. Note, adjusting VR for auto-cal
system will affect all fans on the
ionizer. Repeat step 4 until unit is
balancing at 0Volts @+/-15Volts
with auto-calibration unit.
Employee Owned
50V on positive
10V on positive
-80V on negative -100V on negative
(50+ -80) / 2 = C (10+ -100) / 2 = C
(-30) / 2 = C
(-90) / 2 = C
-15 = C
-45 = C