User Instruction Manual V1.01 (Rev.998 2010)
Setup Wizard: Continued
Setup Wizard: Input Patient Name
After entering the Date and Time either 1.Complete the setting or 2.Discard &
1*Com plete
2.Discard & Exit
Enter the patient name by selecting letters from the alphabet. Press or hold the
LEFT or RIGHT arrow to scroll through the alphabet, press ENTER to select the
highlighted letter e.g. “A” and repeat scrolling for subsequent letters. “_” =
space. To delete an incorrect letter select “Del” to delete the last letter(s). To
finish entering the Patient Name press the ENTER button after selecting the last
letter. Pres
s either the ENTER button or select “Exit” to finish using the Setup
NOTE: UP and DOWN arrows can be used for advanced editing to swap
between the input line and alphabet selection line. A maximum of 10 Patient
Names can be stored.
Input Nam e