Voice Mail Number Specify the voice mail’s number.
Voice Mail Text
Specify the voice mail’s name.
Echo Test Number
Set echo test number. If IAX2 server supports echo test, and
echo test number is non- numeric, system could set an echo
test number to replace the echo test text. So user can dial
the numeric number to test echo voice test. This function is
provided with server to make endpoint to test whether
endpoint could talk through server normally.
Echo Test Text
Specify echo test text’s name.
Refresh Time
Set expire time of IAX2 server register, you can set it
between 60 and 3600 seconds.
Enable Registration Start to register the IAX2 server or not by selecting it or not.
Enable G.729AB
Enable or disable code G.729 by selecting it or not
Stun Config
In this web page, you can config SIP STUN.
STUN: By STUN server, the phone in private network could know the type of NAT and
the NAT mapping IP and port of SIP. The phone might register itself to SIP server with
global IP and port to realize the device both calling and being called in private