Maximum IF Drive:
The maximum IF drive level is specified. This may be applied to the Common
port or the separate TXIF port. You may have specified a specific IF drive level and it will fall into
one of the 5 ranges listed. The transverter will produce full power at your desired drive level but
adjustment of the TXIF control will be necessary. This will be covered in the
Antenna Option:
The RF output option is either a single port (Common RF) for both TX and RX
or there will be two separate ports, one RX and one TX. For the common port, a PC board RF
relay is utilized that allows the output configuration to be changed at anytime if the user changes
their system requirements at a later date. This will be covered in detail later in this document. The
common port relay (the TR relay) is controlled by the Push-to-talk (PTT) circuit
Transmit Enable:
The TX Enable for the transverter is the RCA cable and connector supplied
through the 9 pin AUX connector. The TX Enable is on Pin 5 regardless of your choice of PTT to
ground or a Positive Voltage for TX enable. This connection is made directly to your transceiver.
The TX Enable function energizes the internal sequencer unless specified. It will be indicated in
the Sequencer section.
Other Options:
If other options or special function are ordered that require access to the
transverter, they will be indicated as such on the designated pins. Options include but are not
limited to DC power enable, LNA bypassing, remote power sensing.
Other Notes:
If any specific instructions or configurations are required, it will be noted here.
In example, “LNA switching installed with Bias on the coax”
Sequencer Outputs:
All Sequencer outputs are contained in the 6 conductor cable extending
from the AUX connector and are indicated by color on the chart.
Theory of Operation:
The basic principle of a transverter is to convert a chosen band of
operation to your transceiver of choice. Following the recommendations of the transceiver’s
operation manual for transverter use is the most important aspect of correct transverter operation.
If configured correctly, the transverter will convert both transmit and receive signals to a new band
of operation and be “invisible” to your transceivers operation. In simple terms, the transverter will
not improve the performance of your transceiver but if configured correctly, will not cause any
degradation of performance in any way and will appear as if it was meant to be on that “New” band
all the time.
Interfacing and Operation:
Interfacing the transverter to the transceiver is easy. After
reviewing the front page configuration and verifying that the transverter is configured correctly,
proceed with the directions of interfacing. If you find that something is not correct in the
Transverters configuration, either make the correction by following the directions in the
“Configuration Options” section later in this manual or consult DEMI with your issue.
If you have configured a DEMI transverter before, use the following steps as a guideline to
complete your transverter install. If not, the following steps may be lengthy but are basically
simple. Each step has a brief explanation of how and why the procedure is to be completed. Let’s
review what is required to make this interface complete.