Installation Instructions
FJ Cruiser swing out gate
5.) Re-install the factory bolts and nuts in the door to plug
the holes.
6.) Make sure to install the bearings in the order shown.
The large bearing on the bottom, then the seal (not
shown goes over it then slide the gate over the
greased shaft. Then install the smaller bearing shown
followed by the large washer. The nut can then be
screwed on.
7.) Tighten the nut, once the nut is tighten, continue to
tighten it while moving the whole gate up and down
and side to side. It is best to have someone help you
with this step.
8.) Once you are sure the gate is free from any slack or
movement. Insert the carter pin and bend over the
9.) There is an aluminum cap that caps off the exposed
nut and greased bearings. We recommend a rubber
mallet to gently tap the cover into place. So you don
scar it. There is also a set screw that holds the cap in
place. Be sure to tighten it without over tightening it.