3U Turbo CPU Board for UMAC Turbo and Turbo Stack
Board Jumpers and Pinouts
E1A: Servo and Phase Clock Direction Control
E Point and
Physical Layout
Location Description
Jump pins 1 and 2 or remove jumper for the UMAC Turbo
system to use its internally generated servo and phase clock
signals and to output these signals on the J7 serial port
connector on the Turbo CPU board. Use E1B to connect pins
2 and 3 or remove it.
Jump pins 2 and 3 for the UMAC Turbo system to expect to
receive its servo and phase clock signals on the J7 serial port
connector on the Turbo CPU board. E1B should also connect
pins 1 and 2.
Pins 1-2 jumpered
E1B: Servo/Phase Clock Source Control
E Point and
Physical Layout
Location Description
Jump pin 1 to 2 to get phase and servo clocks from J7 RS422
connector (from an external source such as another PMAC).
Jump pin 2 to 3 to get phase and servo clocks from P1
backplane connector (from an Acc-24E2x, or equivalent
Remove jumper to get phase and servo clocks from J2 Stack
connector (from an Acc-2E or equivalent board).
Off – default for
Stack configuration
2-3 – default for
Pack configuration
E2: Reserved for Future Use
E3: Re-Initialization on Reset Control
E Point and
Physical Layout
Location Description
Remove jumper for normal reset mode (default).
Jump pins 1 to 2 for re-initialization on reset.
No jumper
E4: Reserved for Future Use
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