Steering Angle
The steering angle can be adjusted by means of two plates to either a 23 or 33-degree
angle. The smaller degree is suitable for inexperienced riders, the larger degree is for
children, who are already used to handling the article.
The plates must be mounted on both sides and have same degree setting
on both sides as well! The plate marked with L must be mounted on the
left side and the plate marked with R must be mounted on the right side.
When delivered, the plates are mounted
with a steering angle of 33 degrees (33
visible on top on both sides, Fig. 14a).
To adjust the steering angle to 23 degrees,
remove both screws on both sides
respectively, turn the plate (so that 23
degrees is visible on top on both sides) and
tighten all screws (Fig. 14b).
Fig. 14a
Fig. 14b