4.0 Charger Error Codes
Battery and Set Up Errors
Troubleshooting / Customer Actions
High battery voltage
Battery Voltage is too high to charge. Check the battery voltage and cable
connections. Check battery size and condition (could be too full to charge). This
error will automatically clear once the condition has been corrected.
Low battery voltage
Battery Voltage is too low to charge. Check the battery voltage and cable
connections. Check battery size and condition. This error will automatically clear
once the condition has been corrected.
Charge timeout
Charge Timeout caused by battery pack not reaching required voltage within safe
time limit. Possible causes: Poor battery health. Very deeply discharged battery.
Poorly connected battery. Extra loads. Replace battery pack. Check DC connections.
Charger output reduced due to high temperatures. This error will automatically clear
once the charger is reset by cycling DC.
Battery defective
Battery could not be trickle charged up to the minimum voltage. Battery voltage
has not reached the level for normal charge cycle to take place, Check for shorted
or damaged cells. Replace battery pack. Check DC connections. This error will
automatically clear once the charger is reset by cycling DC.
Ah limit rxceeded
Safety limit exceeded. Possible causes: Poor battery health. Very deeply discharged
battery. Poorly connected battery. High parasitic loads on battery while charging.
Possible solutions: Replace battery pack. Check DC connections. Disconnect parasitic
loads. This error will automatically clear once the charger is reset by cycling DC.
Battery temperature out
of range error
Check temperature sensor and connections. Reset charger. This error will
automatically clear once the condition has been corrected.