Document Edition 1.3
Page 7 of 30
Menu Item
The LINKnet Communications Setting (On or Off), to match the connection
method. The
should be set to Off when connecting to MS/TP.
The DNA Setting (On or Off), for inheriting a derived address from system
level devices above the BACstat on the MS/TP network. This option is not
available when LINKnet is On.
Menu Item
The device Address (1 to 99), which is used internally as the MAC Address.
As the BACstat can only be a Subnet device on MS/TP, this address is
always mapped in as the Subnet value. On MS/TP the complete BACnet
address is in the form of “OEM_Area_System_Subnet”
The Network Speed (9.6 KB, 19.2 KB, 38.4 KB, or 76.8 KB). The default for
MS/TP is 76.8 KB.
The clear database feature (Yes or NO) resets the configuration settings to
the default (refer to page 9).
: The following are not cleared: Baud Rate, Device Address,
DNA/LINKnet, MaxMaster and Max Info Frame.
To exit the Configuration Menu (Yes or No). If you do not press a button
within 1 minute the device will automatically exit and return to its normal
display mode.
Manual Fan Screen
1. The Manual Fan screen is accessed by pressing ON.
2. Return to the normal screen by pressing OFF, or wait for the 30 second timeout.
Menu Item
Adjustable fan speed from 0-100% through up/down arrow buttons
Auto Fan
Turns fan off.
Service Tool Mode (Keypad)
A new BACstat III Quick Reference Card for Service Tool Mode (product number REF-817) is available
for quick and easy reference, and for navigation of the Service Tool features. One is shipped with the
product and additional copies can be ordered as necessary.
Service Tool Mode User Access & Navigation
Access to Service Tool Mode is not protected by an access code or PIN. However, user access must be
enabled (via AV32 or the setting located in the Configuration Menu) and the valid key sequence must be
To enter Service Tool mode, first press the Down Arrow (▼) and then the Up Arrow (▲), and hold
them both down for at least 5 seconds (which is the opposite sequence to the Configuration
menu). There is no PIN or password.
Entered the valid user key sequence to gain access to Service Tool Mode, and
is displayed
along with a main menu of several options.
Use the up and down arrow buttons to navigate through the menu options, and the Next or
Previous buttons to navigate the submenus and their associated options.