1. INTRODUCTION ..........................................8
1.1 Letters in brackets .........................................8
1.2 Troubleshooting and repairs ..........................8
2. DESCRIPTION.............................................8
2.1 Description of the machine ...........................8
2.2 Description of the touch screen .....................8
3. BEFORE USE...............................................9
3.1 Checking the machine ...................................9
3.2 Installing the machine ..................................9
3.3 Connecting the machine ...............................9
3.4 Setting up the machine .................................9
4. TURNING THE MACHINE ON ........................9
5. TURNING THE MACHINE OFF ..................... 10
6. SETTING WATER HARDNESS ...................... 10
7. SETTING TEMPERATURE ........................... 10
8. AUTO-OFF ................................................ 10
9. ENERGY SAVING ....................................... 11
10. BEEP ....................................................... 11
11. DEFAULT VALUES (RESET) ......................... 11
12. RINSING .................................................. 11
13. MAKING COFFEE ....................................... 11
13.1 Adjusting the coffee grinder ........................11
13.2 Tips for a hotter coffee.................................12
13.3 Making coffee using coffee beans ...............12
13.4 Temporarily varying the coffee strength......12
13.5 Making coffee using pre-ground coffee .......13
13.6 Customising strength and quantity ............13
14. TRUEBREW OVER ICE™ COFFEE .................. 13
14.1 Programming over ice lenght ......................13
15. MAKING CAPPUCCINO .............................. 14
15.1 Cleaning the frother after use......................14
16. DELIVERING HOT WATER .......................... 14
17. CLEANING ............................................... 14
17.1 Cleaning the machine .................................14
17.2 Cleaning the machine's internal circuit .......15
17.3 Cleaning the coffee grounds container ........15
17.4 Cleaning the drip tray and condensate tray .15
17.5 Cleaning the inside of the coffee machine ...15
17.6 Cleaning the water tank ..............................15
17.7 Cleaning the coffee spouts ..........................16
17.8 Cleaning the pre-ground coffee funnel .......16
17.9 Cleaning the infuser ....................................16
18. DESCALING .............................................. 16
19. SETTING WATER HARDNESS ...................... 17
19.1 Measuring water hardness ..........................17
19.2 Setting water hardness ...............................17
20. WATER SOFTENER FILTER ......................... 17
20.1 Installing the filter ......................................18
20.2 Replacing the filter ......................................18
21. TECHNICAL DATA ...................................... 18
22. EXPLANATION OF LIGHTS .......................... 19
23. TROUBLESHOOTING ................................. 21