Table 7. VxRail planning guides and technical notes (continued)
Edition SmartFabric services. (Not for VCF on VxRail solution
Installing and Configuring VMware AppDefense on VxRail
This document describes the procedure for installing VMware
AppDefense on a VxRail cluster and for protecting the VxRail
Manager virtual machine.
VxRail Cluster Migration Package
(Download package) The VxRail Cluster Migration Package
provides the VxRail Cluster Migration User Guide and the
cluster migration PowerShell script that enables users to
migrate a VxRail cluster from the source VC to the target VC
without affecting running VMs.
Change Default VDS NIOC Configuration
This document describes procedures for changing the default
VDS vSphere Network I/O Control (NIOC) configuration.
Change ESXi Witness Traffic VMkernel IP Address for L3
Change ESXi Witness Traffic VMkernel IP Address for L2
These documents describe procedures for changing the
network settings of VMkernel interfaces for witness traffic on
ESXi hosts after the initial configuration of a 2-node VxRail
cluster. Procedures are provided for L3 (Layer 3) and L2
routing network configurations.