Beep Codes and Error Messages
Chapter 3
Beep Codes and Error Messages
his chapter describes beep codes and system error messages that can occur
during system start-up or, in the case of some failures, during normal system
operation. The tables in this chapter list faults that can cause a beep code or sys-
tem error message to occur and the probable causes of the fault in each case.
If a faulty system does not emit beep codes or display system error messages to
indicate a failure, you should use the CD-based diagnostics to run the appropri-
ate tests to help isolate the source of the problem. See “Running the System
Diagnostics” in Chapter 2.
OST Beep Codes
If the monitor cannot display error messages during the POST, the system may
emit a series of beeps that identifies the problem or that can help you identify a
faulty component or assembly. Table 3-1 lists the beep codes that may be gener-
ated during the POST. Most beep codes indicate a fatal error that prevents the
system from completing the boot routine until the indicated condition is
When the system emits a beep code, record the code and then find it in
Table 3-1. If the table does not lead to the source of the problem, run the appro-
priate tests in the CD-based diagnostics to assist in troubleshooting the problem.
Table 3-1. Beep Codes
Beep Code
Probable Causes
Invalid expansion-card
ROM checksum
Improperly seated expan-
sion card, or system needs to
be rebooted.
Invalid BIOS ROM
Corrupted BIOS firmware
or defective system board.
DRAM refresh failure
Defective DIMMs or system
board. Reseat DIMMs or
replace system board.
Keyboard controller
Defective DIMMs or system
board. Reseat DIMMs or
replace system board.