User manual, Check synchroscope CSQ-3
4189340263L (UK)
Dead bus
The possibility of closing the circuit breaker even though the busbar voltage is missing.
There is an extra adjustment, U
, where the level of dead busbar can be set. This
facility makes dead bus synchronising possible, even though there is noise on the
busbar. The regulating range is off or 10...40% of U
in steps of 10%.
Setting Dead bus function U
Activated within the range 15-25% of actual generator voltage > 70%
Activated within the range 25-30% of actual generator voltage > 70%
Activated within the range 30-40% of actual generator voltage > 70%
Activated within the range 40-50% of actual generator voltage > 70%
Please notice that this setting is a coarse step regulation for suppression of possible
noise on the busbar. The scale 10-20-30-40 should therefore be considered more as a
4 level noise suppression than as an accurate measuring setting.
Please notice that when the voltage on the net has been restored, the CSQ-3 will
remain in the dead bus function for a period of 5 seconds.