Management Procedure 2585 Rev. F
Note: Please refer to UUC instruction manual for menu navigation instructions, details
on features and operating instructions (i.e. required amount of couplant and pressure).
For bodies with serial number after 700,000; when the unit is powered down,
simultaneously hold the “+” and middle buttons until the rest symbol appears. All other
bodies press and hold the “+”.
All probes except UTG-P: After reset, select the Main Menu “Cal Settings” function and
then “Zero”. Follow the on screen prompt to measure the zero plate provided with the
probe. After zeroing, verify the probe on the thinnest and thickest steps of the 5-step
block. Allowable tolerances following zeroing are ± 0.05 mm (0.002”).
UTG-P probes: Verify the probe face is clean. After reset, select the Main Menu “Cal
Settings” function and then “Zero”. Hold the probe in air and follow the on screen
prompt. After zeroing, verify the probe on the thinnest and thickest steps of the
appropriate 5-step block. Allowable tolerances following zeroing are ± 0.05 mm
Calibration Process
Note: Whenever the test requirement is not met, verify the results of each test and take
corrective action before proceeding.
Review the Performance Requirements Table 5-1.
Select the 2-Pt Adjust feature from the Cal Settings section of the menu. Perform a two-
point calibration using the thinnest and thickest of the steps on the appropriate 5-step
block. This will adjust the sound velocity of the gage and the zero reference to the
material of the step block.
Using the appropriate Certificate of Calibration template for the UUC, record the
thickness from the Reference Standard label.
Determine the allowed range of readings using the calculation methods shown in column
A of table 5-1.
Use the UUC to take measurements on each step of the 5-step block. Verify that the
readings are within the allowable limits and record the readings on the Certificate of