When you get your ZP3 tubed up, and you have double checked that the each tube is
in the correct location, you can connect it to your preamplifier or amplifier and turn it
on. Do not hook up your tonearm wires to the ZP3 as of yet. It is important to get a
baseline reference for noise and hum with the ZP3 just setting there idle and with no
input signal cables connected. The typical noise and hum of the ZP3 is too low to hear
on all but the highest sensitivity speakers. That said, what level you do hear can
usually be made to go up or down with different tubes. Again, any of the three signal
tubes can cause excessive hum or noise, as can a failing rectifier tube.
Once you are satisfied that all the tubes are hum and noise free you can connect your
tonearm cables to the ZP3 and the ground wire from your turntable to the ground lug
on the back of the ZP3. It is important to make sure your preamp or amplifier volume
control is all the way down prior to connecting the tonearm cables. Once the cables
are connected you can raise the volume back to where you had it and check for noise
and hum again.
If you have excessive noise or hum from your tonearm cables check to be sure the
ground on each channel is functional, and make sure the shield on each channel is
functional. If your supply your own tonearm cables as is the case with some models of
turntables, be sure the cables are fully shielded with a 95% braid.
Also keep transformers and similar things that broadcast AC fields away from your
tonearm and cartridge and cables.
A ZP3 is one of the quietest tube phono stages on the market, with inky black
backgrounds so if you set one up and are hearing hum from the listening chair, you can
confident this is not normal and feel free to call us for help on troubleshooting your