The Zen Triode Phono Stage is an all tube, single-ended design built using the popular
12AX7 dual triodes for amplification and equalization and a 12AU7 dual triode as a
cathode follower to lower output impedance for better stability and drive.
Besides being comprised of all single-ended triodes, what makes the ZP3 desirable
is the complete absence of negative feedback which is usually used to accomplish the
RIAA equalization. Instead the ZP3 uses a passive RIAA network between the two
12AX7 gain stages. This approach gives a more open sound with a greater sense of
Additionally, the ZP3 has a power supply over 500% larger than needed and with
enough capacitance to easily power a 40 watt amplifier. This was done to eliminate
voltage sag by brute force rather than using a smaller power supply and fancy solid
state regulation which is the norm.
To take the power supply to another level, a vacuum glow tube is used in series with
the supply to block harmonics and RF noise on your local power grid. The result is like
pure DC from a battery. It is a superior method of cleaning power that does not rely on
power regeneration which is often noisy (fans) and costs many thousands of dollars.
There are no solid state parts in a ZP3. Diodes, constant current source regulators,
and so on have been deliberately omitted so that the artifacts of those devices do not
poison the signature of circuit. A signature that has been painstakingly voiced and is
completely unequaled in the market for anywhere near the price.