It’s important to understand that the resolu?on of this amplifier
design is only possible with the quality of the build and skilled hand
soldering needed to make one. It should also be understood that the
resolu?on of this amplifier is greater to far greater than 98% of
everything sold in the retail marketplace. The result is that the
amplifier becomes a tool to evaluate your other components and the
real magic or lack thereof in the recordings you listen to.
The amplifier will never be the weak link in your audio chain allowing
a life?me of upgrades elsewhere in your system and room.
Due to the unlimited holographic imaging and sound stage depth it is
well worth exploring what can happen when the speakers are pulled
away from walls and the walls are treated with acous?c treatments.
The reason it is so hard to imagine going to so much trouble with the
room is because the vast majority of us are unaware of true poten?al
of holographic imaging. Even those of us lucky enough to witness
really perfect rooms didn’t hear it for the handicap of the mass
produced retailed audio gear used for the demos.
Please invest some ?me in hun?ng down the weak links in your audio
chain as you enjoy the wonderful sound of this amp. As you do, you’ll
hear your amp again for the first ?me and then all your music will
become new as well. The more serious you get about the room
acous?cs, speaker matching, and source components the more you
will understand what makes this amplifier so far above the norm.
To maintain some perspec?ve it is also helpful to understand that if
Decware used a conven?onal business model to manufacture retail
audio gear, what you paid for the amp would have been exactly three
?mes higher. It would be a waste of ?me to compare it with anything
less than three ?mes it’s price, and the longer you own one the more
you begin to understand that aXer a certain point of diminishing
returns, price becomes placebo fueling the “Ultra” high end industry.
Steve Deckert / DECWARE
Design Notes