High Fidelity Engineering Co.
Model SE34-I
Zen Triode Integrated Dual Mono Amplifier
Two single ended triode monoblocks and a dual
mono preamplifier all integrated together in the
same chassis.
This amplifier is shipped with tubes that must be
installed prior to operation. The chassis is marked
with the proper tube type for each socket. You
will find a total of 7 tubes. There are 4 EL-34 out-
put tubes and 3 6N1P signal tubes.
The output tubes that come with your amp are
matched in pairs (sometimes quads). The left two
output tubes represent the left channel and the
right two output tubes represent the right chan-
nel. If you have matched pairs, organize them so
that the left two match each other and the right
two match each other. NOTE: This amp is built
with a self-biasing self-balancing circuit so that you
may run unmatched tubes without problems.
Directly in front of each pair of output tubes is a
6N1P signal tube that drives them. The signal
tube located between the power transformers,
also a 6N1P is the preamp tube.
There is an IEC connector on the rear of your
amplifier that also contains a well hidden fuse
holder with a spare fuse inside.
Should you ever blow one we recommend using
between 4 and 6 amp fuses. This IEC connector is
where the removable power cord plugs into.
The input jacks are labeled A B C D and corre-
spond to the input selector switch located on the
left front of your amplifier.
The speaker jacks are very unique since there are
four instead of two for each channel. A separate
section will explore the possibilities of this type of
configuration. For now hook your speaker wires to
the outside set of posts on each side (shown above).
At the same time using the jumpers supplied with
your amp, connect the reds and blacks together so
that both sets of posts are being used at the same
Once you have your amplifier hooked up, turn it on
and let it warm up in standby mode for a minute or
two. The power switch is located on the rear of the
amp. Turning it on brings the amp into either
standby mode or full operation depending on the
position of the front switches. The two front
switches labeled “standby” represent each channel
(amplifier). In summary, if the rear switch was
turned ON and the tubes are lit, but the front
switches are not lit, the amp is in standby mode.