Instruction Manual
Negative Pressure Unit green dec G 700
Version 3
Page 10
5. Technical description
5.1. Unit description
Negative pressure unit as a container system for filtering asbestos-contaminated room air
via a 3-stage filter unit.
effective air output 70,000 m³ / h
three filter stages consisting of a HEPA filter, bag filter and pre-filter
energy-efficient and performance-optimised fan with high-capacity
HEPA filter acc. to EN 1822 class H13 or H14
automatic or manual negative pressure control / volume flow control
automatic soft start, even after power failure
all operating control and functional elements are shock-protected
automatically opening / closing exhaust flaps
5.2. Control SRE connect
IoT (Internet of Things) => Devices with SRE connect control can be remotely controlled
and monitored with any internet-enabled computer, mobile phone or tablet.
For power regulation, the negative pressure unit is supplied with a control via a touch
display to measure and regulate the negative pressure and / or the volume flow.
The negative pressure is measured between the containment area and a reference point
to be defined (adjacent rooms) and kept at the set point value by continuous speed
control of the electric fan.
The volume flow is measured in the device and kept at the set point value by continuous
speed control of the electric fan.
A manual control is also possible.
A filter sensor monitors the particle concentration in the exhaust air and triggers an
optical and acoustic alarm if a value of 100 particles per liter is permanently exceeded.
A necessary filter change is shown on the display.