Operations Manual
PCCOM PCI 8 port universal RS232 card
DECISION Computer International
G.2 Utilities
COMTEST.EXE is a general testing program for COM port. It will
create the threads associated with each communication port that will
be test. The testing function includes OPEN / CLOSE / READ /
WRITE / Non-Destructive Read / Non-Destructive WRITE / Get
Status / Device IOCTL. Due to lack of OS/2 API, Non-Destructive
I/O is not support for OS/2 even this device driver has implemented
this feature.
In the COMTEST program, you can use up-right arrow to choice the
option, and use enter/escape to start/stop the program.
The ComSent / ComRecv are a pair of communication programs for
testing the performance of communication port. You have to
connect the test ports with a null modem before you test
communication port. You can use PCCOM.EXE to change the
parameters of communication port. Then use this program to test
heavy (transmission) duty on communication port.
G.3 API Communication Functions
In the following, there are API communication functions, for more
detail information, please refer to Control Program Programming
Ref. of OS/2, and programming Guide Vol. I-III of OS/2.
- Close a Handle to a File, Pipe, or Devices
- Get Information about Attached Devices
pDeviceInfo, ULONG ulDeviceType);