5TE Operator’s Manual
6. Installing the Probes
push the sensor in. Be careful with the sharp tips! Backfill the
trench taking care to pack the soil back to natural bulk density
around the black plastic portion of the 5TE.
Method 2.: Vertical Installation
Auger a 4-inch hole to the depth at which the sensor is to be
installed. Insert the sensor into the undisturbed soil at the
bottom of the auger hole using your hand or any other imple-
ment that will guide the sensor into the soil at the bottom of
the hole. Many people have used a simple piece of PVC pipe
with a notch cut in the end for the sensor to sit in, with the
sensor cable routed inside the pipe. After inserting the sensor,
remove the installation device and backfill the hole taking care
to pack the soil back to natural bulk density while not damag-
ing the black plastic portion of the sensor or the sensor cable
in the process.
The 5TE can be oriented in any direction. Because the probes
have prongs instead of a blade (like the EC-10 and EC-20), the
probe can be placed in any orientation that meets your
Removing the Probes
When removing the 5TE probe, do not pull it by the cable!
This could break the internal wires and cause the probe to
malfunction or not function at all.