This manual describes how to use VAX 4000 Model 200 (BA430)
timesharing and VAXserver 4000 Model 200 (BA430) server systems. The
hardware and software for each of these systems differ slightly, according to
the function of the system. The VAX 4000 is a multiuser system that uses
the VMS operating system. The VAXserver 4000 system is a single-user
system that uses VMS or VAXELN operating systems. Both systems can
function as an end- or full-function node on an Ethernet network.
The manual is structured as follows:
Chapter 1 provides an overview of the systems.
Chapter 2 describes how to use each system.
Chapter 3 describes how to use options installed in the systems.
Appendix A lists related documentation.
Appendix B describes how to set and examine DSSI device parameters
from console mode.
Appendix C describes procedures for creating backup files.
Appendix D describes how to use VMSTAILOR to remove unwanted
VMS files from the system disk.
The glossary explains key terms.
VAXserver systems offer maximum performance for applications that
do not require timesharing. Some devices in this manual are for multiuser
systems and may not be suitable for server systems. Contact your Digital
service representative if you have any questions about whether use of a
specific device is appropriate for your server system.