Removing a Tape Cartridge
You must unload a tape before you can remove the cartridge from the tape
drive. Use the following procedure (see Figure 3–12):
Press the Unload button. You can also issue a software command to
unload the cartridge. Refer to your system software manuals for the
appropriate command.
The yellow (Tape in Use) light blinks slowly, as the tape rewinds and
unloads into the cartridge. This may take up to 90 seconds.
When the yellow light goes off and the green (Operate Handle) light
comes on (you also hear a beep), pull the handle open.
Move the handle only when the yellow indicator light is off
and the green indicator light is on. Moving the handle while the yellow
light is blinking could damage the drive.
Remove the tape cartridge and store it in its container.
Push the handle closed.
The green light remains on, indicating that there is power to the drive and
that you can safely move the handle.
Remove the tape cartridge from the tape drive when the cartridge
is not in use or before you turn off the system. Failure to remove the cartridge
may damage the tape cartridge.
Operating the System Options