090 Series Reference Manual
Digital Control Systems
Page: 6
Main ECB
The 090 series main ECB is designed for mounting behind the front panel of the end-user’s
equipment. It implements all the front panel displays and controls, requiring only descriptive
annunciation on the equipment panel. An audible alarm beeper, intended to sound through the
front panel, is available.
The 090 is powered directly from the AC power line, draws under 5W and operates on voltages
from less than 80 to 280 VAC at 45 to 65 Hz making it directly connectable to virtually any
power grid worldwide. The circuitry on the primary side of the transformer T1 (shown cross-
hatched in
) has voltages significantly above the input line voltage and can provide
unpleasant and potentially lethal electrical shocks both to earth ground and other components on
the board.
The low voltage side of the power supply is electrically isolated so that all control connections to
the power ECBs present no shock hazard. The earth ground connection is tied to the ground side
of the low voltage supply and passes through to the power ECB(s).
There are three control outputs from the main ECB. Two load contact controls designated
*LOAD1 & *LOAD2 as well as one relay control designated RELAY. All these signals are
TTL level referenced to earth ground. *LOAD1 & *LOAD2 are active low (i.e. the load contact
is closed when the voltage is less than approximately 0.4V), RELAY is active high. (see Table 3
on page 9)
These outputs are intended to drive the corresponding features on power ECBs. *LOAD1 and
RELAY actuate the triac and alarm relay respectively on the primary power ECB. *LOAD2
actuates the triac on the auxiliary power ECB if present.
All three signals (along with power) appear on connector J4 so that a single control cable can be
used to remotely drive the full complement of outputs. In addition, *LOAD2 (along with power)
appears on J5 for applications where the main and auxiliary power ECBs are most efficiently
served with two separate cables.
There are 2 two-pin jumpers (designated JP1 & JP2) located in the lower right-hand corner of the
main ECB when viewed from the rear. These are to implement various user functions in
different configurations. Each jumper has two states:
. A jumper is
considered OPEN when its two pins ARE NOT electrically connected. A jumper is considered
closed whenever its two pins ARE electrically connected. A jumper is typically closed
momentarily with a small bladed screwdriver and closed semi-permanently with a shorting block
that slides over the two pins of the jumper.
The sensor input connector is located on the back side near the bottom edge of the main ECB
just to right of center. Various sensor inputs are supported depending on the exact configuration.
Each 090 series has only a single sensor input. The value displayed on the front panel during
normal operation is the process value associated with this sensor.
Power ECB
The load contact is implemented with a 25 amp, 600 volt triac, triggered with an optically
isolated, zero crossing triac trigger. All control inputs are electrically isolated from the
controlled circuit so there is no shock hazard from the interconnect cabling.
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SUNSTAR自动化 http://www.sensor-ic.com/ TEL: 0755-83376489 FAX:0755-83376182 E-MAIL: [email protected]