Page18 DCL22
If You Have VGA Connection on Your Video Card…
Make sure the power of DCL22 LCD MONITOR is turned off.
If you were previously using a CRT (bulky) monitor
, please
hook up your old monitor first and make sure your refresh rate
is set to 60 Hz frequency before using the DCL22 LCD
MONITOR. You can find the refresh rate information and
change it by RIGHT CLICKING on the desktop with nothing
selected. After you have right clicked, select the PROPERTIES
option. Click on the SETTINGS tab. Click on the ADVANCED
button. Click on the MONITOR tab. In that tab, change the
refresh rate to 60Hz and click on APPLY. After the refresh rate
changed, please shut down the computer and monitor.
Obtain the VGA cable and connect to the VGA connection on
your PC. Connect the other end of the cable to your DCL22
Obtain the Audio In cable and connect the 3.5 mm Mini-jack
cable to the Audio In connection of the monitor. Connect the
other end of the 3.5 mm Mini-jack cable to your PC’s audio line
out connection.
Turn on the power of both the DCL22 LCD MONITOR and the
Please Note :
The PC’s clearest picture is produced under 1680x1050
at 60Hz.