PSX-AR Manual Rev: P Software Rev: N
B. User
1. Before wiring, ensure the Programming Jumper is on pins J3.2 & J3.3 to operate [Pin
J3.1 is nearest the center of the PSX-AR circuit board]
2. Cut isolating gaps in the rails between PSX/PSX-AR zones; stagger gaps 0.75” [21mm]
3. If you are using both PSX circuit breakers and PSX-AR auto reversers on a layout and
the locomotive hesitates when crossing a reverse gap, program the PSX controlling the
track adjacent to the PSX-AR:
a. Program CV55=1 [enable delay]
b. Program CV65=128 [delay=16ms]. CV65 may be any value from 1 to 255. The delay
in milliseconds is the CV65 value divided by 8. Ideally CV65 should be the smallest
value that consistently works correctly. CV65=128 should work for most layouts.
4. Input & Output connectors J1 and J2 are designed for use with 12-22 AWG wire.
a. Turn screw on connector’s counter-clockwise while looking at the connector opening
b. Make sure the wire clamp is at the bottom of the connector opening.
c. Insert the wire you are connecting and turn the connector screw clockwise to tighten.
5. If you are using a heavier bus wire such as 10 AWG, solder a short length of 12 or 14
AWG wire to your heavier bus to connect to the PSX-AR terminal.
6. We recommend rail drops to the track bus every 3-5 feet. Insufficient feeders can cause
your track voltage to be significantly lower than your booster output voltage.
7. When wiring more than one PSX or PSX-AR [PSX-2, PSX-3 PSX-4, PSX-AR etc.] insure
all input/output polarities are the same
The PSX-AR Circuit breaker is designed to operate by opening both of the two input leads
when an overload is detected.
a. In “normal” polarity (D6 is not flashing), J1-1 is connected to J2-1, J2-3, J2-5 and J1-
2 is connected to J2-2, J2-4, J2-6. In “reverse” polarity (D6 flashes slowly), J1-1 is
connected to J2-2, J2-4, J2-6 and J1-2 is connected to J2-1, J2-3, J2-5.