RE-1100cc Double-seat buggy Owner’s Manual Version: 3.0 Dec. 2006
The spark plug should be checked periodically. The electrodes should be kept clean and free of carbon.
The presence of carbon or excess oil will greatly reduce the proper engine performance.
Spark Plug cleaning /replacement
1) Clear the dust from the spark plug seat with a brush.
2) Disconnect the high voltage cable.
3) Remove the spark plug with a spark plug wrench.
4) Carbon can be cleared by using a small brush or rasp
off by using a small file.
5) Check the spark plug gap (area between the
electrodes) with a wire feeler gauge. This standard gap is 0.7- 0.9 mm.
6) If the spark plug is worn out, change a new one.
Maintenance Period
Replacement by every 12 months or 10000 kilometer
Resistance spark