Choose COM Port (the Port which is USB cable plugged in)
Set the BaudRate: 9600, Parity: none
Click “ Connect “ untill the Status displays “disconnected” to “connected“. It means the WS433-CL-04 is
being connected with computer;
Next, we need to import the configuration file for WS433-CL-04 by importing the csv file: Go to MENU:
Import New / => select the template file.
Use Modbus tool to check added sensors and configure sensor operating parameters.
In the memmap file, refer to the Memmap of WS433-AI sheet to configure the sensor's operating parameters
Step 3: Configure the sensor's operating parameters.
Memmap resgisters
You can download Modbus Memmap of WS433-CL-FW with the following link:
The reference memmap addresses are based on the order of the sensors added in the Memmap file