Remote Modem Installation
Use the fastest baud rate your computer can handle. 19200 is the fastest
baud rate available and is the default setting on the console.
Press DONE when the correct baud rate displays on the console screen.
Note: The data logger does not require a constant connection with a computer to continue log-
ging and storing data. Although the data logger should remain connected to the console
at all times, the data logger needs to be connected to the computer only when data is
being downloaded or when the computer is actively using data from the data logger. The
data logger and console can be disconnected from the computer if the console is placed
in a location where the data logger cable cannot reach. However, WeatherLink’s bulletin,
summary, or other real-time window displays are accessible only if the console is
attached to the computer.
Remote Modem Installation
Use a remote modem installation to connect your computer to a remote con-
sole or Weather Envoy. A remote modem installation is a connection from the
data logger on the console or Weather Envoy to a modem that can be dialed
and accessed from a computer.
Using Modems to Connect Your Computer and Weather Station
Note: Before installing the console and modem at a remote location, test the data logger and
connection first using a direct connection like that shown in the section above.
1. Install and set up an internal or external modem (according to the
instructions supplied by the manufacturer) for use with your computer.
Make a note of the COM port used by the modem. This information is used
when entering serial port settings for the weather station and console.
2. At the station console site, put the external modem in a location where it
can connect to both the logger and a phone jack and plug it into the phone
Vantage Pro or Pro2 console
battery cover
8' (2.5 m)
data logger
data logger