8. Pre-flight check
9. Take-0ff
To know yourself with the glider it is a good idea to perform practice inflations and ground
handling in advance. You should have no difficulties flying the RHYTHM for the first time in
suitable conditions, but as with all new equipment.
When you have the new glider, the below points should be inspected.
- Check the lines are clear and not twisted.
- Connection points between the glider and harness.
- All harness buckles are closed.
- The Karabiners are fully closed and not damaged.
- The sewing, condition of the lines and connection of the lines are right
- Internal demage to ribs and diagonal ribs.
- Demage to the top and bottom panels and seams between panels.
RHYTHM has easy inflation behaviour at the forward/reverse launch because of its profile
system. To get the right wing shape for the take-off, pull the brake until the canopy shows at
the perfect banana shape on the flat ground. While inflating the RHYTHM, you should hold both
of th A risers on your hands. Smoothly and gradually inflate the wing. It does not need excessive
energy and you feel the lift force very fast. It does not tend to over-shooting characteristics and
provides a leisurely launch time with you.
9.1 Tow launch
The RHYTHM is easy to launch using a winch and it has no any special skills.
To practice this launching technique special training is needed and you have
to know the procedures and dangers, which are specific for winching. We do
not recommend using any special towing device which accelerates the glider
during the winch launch.