Congratulations on your purchase of the most
comfortable noise-canceling headset available.
As with all of our products, the X11Series Electronic
Noise-Canceling headsets are backed by our
extraordinary customer service and support.
A guarantee made by David Clark Company
assumes full responsibility for the quality and
performance of the product and is supported by
a policy of service to customers whereby we will
respond in a prompt, positive manner to anyone
who contacts us. We always appreciate feedback
from our valued customers.
David Clark Company products have set standards
of performance and excellence appreciated by
quality-conscious pilots throughout the world.
Your new X11 Series ENC headset is no exception.
We have earned a reputation for excellence;
we intend to keep it by continuing to deserve
your confidence.
Robert A. Vincent,
How it works.
The X11 headset features dual voice coil
Electronic Noise-Canceling (ENC) technology
[Patents Pending] designed for pilots of aircraft which
generate noise at lower frequencies. ENC technology
uses an electronically produced signal to cancel the
offending noise. Once the ENC is activated from the
X11 control’s on/off switch, low frequency noise is
sensed and an opposing signal of the same sound
level is generated, resulting in the cancellation of
noise before it reaches the ear.
With low frequency noise canceled, you’ll hear
essential communications clearly and with less strain.
Improved audio comfort leads to alert and safer flying.
An important feature of X11 ENC
technology is true “fail-safe” operation.
Dual voice
coils are electronically independent so that no
interruption of communication can result from
failure of the ENC system or its power source.