There are two options (set a daily cycle or a weekly cycle) by
pressing the desired box. This option allows you to either create
a standard “daily schedule” which will consistently operate the set
levels every day
• The “weekly cycle” option can be set for the entire week, giving
you the ability to alter daily pump cycles depending on the
weather, bather load etc.
Setting a schedule
• Select the box which relates to the time that you require the
pump to operate;
• Select the speed setting you would like the pump to run at any
time. Note: Settings of the pump (1-10) refers to slowest to
fastest operating speed of the pump;
• Once you are happy with your schedule, select “Save”.
Communications between the device and the pump can take
up to 20 seconds depending on the schedule selected;
• The row at the bottom of the screen indicates a summary
of where the schedule is by day and by hour. This summary
screen can easily be altered by swiping up or down the
columns above;
If using a chlorinator, you must ensure that the “on”
times on the pump correspond to the “on” times on the
chlorinator. The pump will remain in the last used mode,
whether that be manual mode or schedule mode.
To alter setup settings, click on the settings icon:
This will display the following screens (scroll down screen for full information).
Priming speed / max speed
Each time your pump starts it will go through 2 minutes of priming to ensure there is water in the system. You
can adjust the speed in which it does this between 5 & 10. The speed you set will limit the maximum speed
the pump will run in manual or schedule mode.
Select if you
would like the
daily cycle or the
weekly cycle.
Select to edit the
schedule settings
SilensorPro BT