“Weekly cycle”
option can be set for the
entire week, giving you the ability to alter daily
pump cycles depending on weather, bather load
Setting a Schedule
- Select the box which relates to the time that you require the pump to operate.
- Select the speed setting you would like the pump to run at any time.
Note: Settings of the pump (1-10) refers to “slowest to fastest” operating
speed of the pump).
- Once you are happy with your schedule, select “Save”. Communications
between the device and the pump can take up to 20 seconds depending
on the schedule selected.
Note: The row at the bottom of the screen indicates a summary of where
the schedule is by day and by hour. This summary screen can easily be
altered by swiping up or down the columns above.
*Please note: If using a chlorinator, you must ensure that the “on” times on the
pump correspond to the “on” times on the chlorinator.
- The pump will remain in the last used mode, whether that be manual mode
or schedule mode.
- To alter/set up settings, click on the settings icon:
- This will display the following screens (scroll down screen for full information)
Select if you would
like the daily cycle or
the weekly cycle.