MCU-100S Keyboard Guide
Power switch
Use this switch to power the MCU-100S On or Off.
Camera selection
Select the button for the camera that you wish to control.
MCU-100S Memory stores
Using the LOAD SAVE button it is possible to transfer the current setting
from one camera to another.
MU-1, MU-2 can be used to store settings within the MCU-100S.
In Remote Control mode, press and light this button to enable the Detail
PS: LOAD SAVE, MU-1, MU-2, those three functions will be updated and
had modifications.
Recorder / Playback functions
ENABLE when selected activates the recorder / playback functions of the
chosen camera. This includes rewind [REW], fast forward [FF], record
start/stop [REC S/S], stop, play and record check [REC RVW].
REC RVW makes it possible to check what has just been recorded (2
seconds REC review) by pressing this button during REC pause.
With a DVCPRO HD camera recorder, the tape is cued to provide
continuity from one shot to the next when this button is pressed while
playback is paused.
PS: REW, FF, those two functions will be updated and had modifications.
Press this button during recording or playback to record shot mark 1.
ND (ND filter) select switch and indicator
Use this switch to select the ND filter. Press the switch upward to change
the ND filter in order and downward to change the ND filter in the reverse
order. The ND indicator displays the currently selected ND filter. This
switch is disabled for a camera not equipped with an ND filter servo
system or a camera without ND filters.
CC (color temperature conversion filter) select switch and indicator
Use this switch to select the CC filter. Press the switch upward to change
the CC filter in order and downward to change the CC filter in the reverse
order. The CC indicator displays the currently selected CC filter. This
switch is disabled for a camera not equipped with a CC filter servo
system or a camera without CC filters.
PS: FILTER ND, FILTER CC, those two functions will be updated and
had modifications.