System Control
00h, 11h Device Type request
The response is 00, 00 indicating Quick Capture
00h, F1h Next Bin
When this command is issued from the Idle state the next bin is selected. If the present bin is 99 then
the next bin is 1.
00h, F2h Previous Bin
When this command is issued from the Idle state the previous bin is selected. If the present bin is 1
then the next bin is 99.
00h, F4h Disable Loop Play
When this command is issued from the Idle state the Loop Play feature is disabled. Loop Play is
where the the last play command is repeated from its beginning when the end is reached.
00h, F4h Enable Loop Play
When this command is issued from the Idle state the Loop Play feature is enabled. Loop Play is
where the the last play command is repeated from its beginning when the end is reached.
01h, F0h, XXh Select Bin XX
When this command is issued from the Idle state bin XX is selected. XX varies between 1 and 99.
Illegal bins are ignored.
01h, F3h, XXh Select and Empty Bin XX
When this command is issued from the Idle state bin XX is selected and
all of its content is
permanently deleted
. XX varies between 1 and 99. Illegal bins are
Sense Request
61h, 0Ch, 04h Current Time Sense
Requests the Time code data. The unit responds with 4 bytes indicating the present time code in
Binary-Coded-Decimal. The first byte holds the frame number, the second byte holds the seconds,
the third the minutes and the fourth the hour. In the play state, the time code returned is the time
associated with the current frame being played, in the record state, the time code returned represents
the elapsed time recorded in the present bin.
61h, 20h, OL, csum
Status Sense
7Lh, 20h, Stat(L), csum
61h, F0h, 04h, 55h
Current Frame Offset
74h, 00h, FO(3:0), csum
Frame Offset
61h, F1h, 01h, 53h
Current Bin
61h, 00h, nn, csum
Bin Number
24h, F1h, nn Play Offset nn
Frame Offset number nn is played. The number nn is made up of 4 binary encoded bytes and sent
out with the least significant byte first. This command may be issued from the idle state or any other
Play state.
Frame Offset are represented in absolute frame numbers where the first frame of
the bin is 0.
24h, F2h, nn Play from Offset nn
Content of the present bin is played at 1x speed starting at Frame Offset nn. This command may be
issued from the Idle state or any other Play state.
24h, F3h, bb, nn Select Bin and Play Offset
Bin number bb is selected and Frame Offset number nn is played. This command may be issued from
the idle state or any other Play state.
24h, F4h, bb, nn Select Bin and Play from Offset
Content of the bin number bb is played at 1x speed starting at Frame Offset nn. This command may
be issued from the idle state or any other Play state.