3. On the toolbar, do one or more of the following:
• Select
and push the navigation pad. Push the navigation pad up/down and
left/right to move the tool.
You can also tap and drag the spot.
• Select
to center the spot on the screen.
• To exit edit mode, do one of the following:
◦ Push the navigation pad and select
◦ Tap the screen outside the tool.
Move and resize a box
1. Activate edit mode by tapping one of the corners of the box. The box is now displayed
with handles in the center and in the corners.
2. Push the navigation pad or tap the menu button. This displays a toolbar.
3. Select
. This displays a toolbar, where you can do one or more of the
• Select
and push the navigation pad. Push the navigation pad up/down and
left/right to resize the tool.
You can also tap and hold one of the corner handles and drag the corner to resize
the tool.
• Select
and push the navigation pad. Push the navigation pad up/down and
left/right to move the tool.
You can also tap the middle handle and drag to move the tool.
• Select
to center the box on the screen.
4. To exit edit mode, do one of the following:
• Push the navigation pad and select
• Tap the screen outside the tool.
Difference calculations (delta)
A difference calculation gives the delta between the maximum temperature in a box and
a fixed-temperature reference or a spot temperature.
The delta, box maximum, and reference/spot temperatures are displayed in the result
Delta T — Hot spot - Temp
The Delta T function calculates the difference between the maximum temperature in a
box and a fixed-temperature reference.
To use the Delta T function, do the following:
1. On the main toolbar, select
Hot spot - Temp
. This displays a dialog
box with the reference temperature.
2. To change the reference temperature, push the navigation pad up/down. To confirm,
push the center of the navigation pad.
Hot spot - Spot
The Hot spot - Spot function calculates the difference between the maximum tempera-
ture in a box and a spot temperature.
To use this function, select
Hot spot - Spot
on the main toolbar.
Display box values in the result table
For the box tool, you can set the camera to display the maximum, minimum, and average
values in the result table.
#T810624; r. AF/93316/93316; en-US