DDR-16/32 Installation and Operating Guide
Version 0.91
Appendix C. AP25 AES67 Out Card (H790) Setup
Document #: 9301H85300 Ver. 0.91
Figure 5 – PTP Configuration Screen
The default is to have the AP25 set as the Preferred Master, but alternatively another device may
be chosen. The Domain ID may be configured to any number between 0 and 127. Sending and
receiving AES67 devices should be configured with the same PTP Domain ID.
Note: Selecting a device as the preferred master does not guarantee that if will be the master
device on the PTP network, but increases its chances.
This section displays:
Available stream ID numbers, names and the AP25 source channels assigned to them.
Whether the stream is transmitting or idle.
The H790 supports up to 24 channels at 48k (three streams of 8 channels) or 16 channels at 96k
(four streams of 4 channels).
Select the Configure button to bring up the AES67 Streams configuration screen.
Figure 6 – Streams Configuration Screen
(A) Select the stream that you wish to configure from the dropdown menu.
(B) The
Stream Name
can be changed, if desired, by tapping in the gray box. This will bring up
a virtual keyboard.
(C) Select the
checkbox to enable transmitting of the stream