Label layout definition commands
Page 20
For Royal Mail 4-State Customer Code and the KIX code:
Width adjustment. S
ee 2D barcode Symbologies
. A value of 50 % to 200 % is
allowed. 100 % is the default and means that the bar width and space widths are
the same.
For MaxiCode:
An optional two digit number used to define structured appends, where the first
digit specifies the symbol number, and the second digit specifies the total number
of symbols.
<”text”> Specifies the text to be printed.
See ‘Defining a text field’ above
2D barcode symbologies
Stacked barcode. Arbitrary binary data, variable length.
More described in – PDF417 -.
USD-5 dot code
Matrix code. Numeric data, variable length. 5 to 20 digits.
The printer automatically appends the check digit. The
USD-5 code always has the same size, so <h> and <w>
should be set to 1.
LEB code
Stacked barcode. Alpha-numeric code, variable length. <w>
is the expansion factor. <w> = 1 means a dot width of 0.25
mm. <h> is not currently used and should be set to the
same value as <w>.
Royal Mail 4-State
Customer Code
‘Stacked’ barcode. The character set includes numeric
characters and upper-case (A-Z) characters. Start, stop and
checksum characters are automatically generated.
The height (<h>) may be from 4.22 mm to 5.84 mm. <w> is
the width including both bar and space. 20 - 24 bars per
25.4 mm is allowed. The bar width may be 0.38 - 0.63 mm.
!F C N 100 100 L 50 12 91 “1234567”
will give a 5 mm high code with 0.60 mm bar width and with
21 bars in 25.4 mm.
92 KIX
The same as Royal Mail 4-State code, except that no start,
stop or checksum characters are generated.
QR Code, Model 1
Matrix code. Arbitrary binary data, variable length. More
described in – QR Code -. Model 1 is included for
backwards compatibility reasons. All new applications
should use Model 2.
QR Code, Model 2
Matrix code. Arbitrary binary data, variable length. More
described in – QR Code -. New version of the QR Code.
Should be used in new applications.