Manual Datafox Evo 4.3
Page 52
Date: 27.12.2017 V 04.03.09.XX
5.6.5. Communication via TCP / IP
The setting of the LAN / WLAN parameters is done via DatafoxStudioIV under the menu item "Con-
figuration" -> "LAN / WLAN
– Configuration (*.df0)“.
The LAN / WLAN configurations are saved in a file with the filename extension "*. df0".
Here you now have the possibility to edit the file, load it into the Datafox device (upload) or read it
from the device (download).
When reading the WLAN setting from the device, the currently specified file is overwritten.
In the General tab, first of all, you can set the main communication with which the device is
Device with LAN (
The first configuration is for LAN connection
Device with WLAN
Device with LAN and WLAN (
The first configuration is for the LAN connection
For TimboyIV only this setting (only wLAN) can be used.