© 2017 Datacom Systems Inc
SS-1200, SS-2200, SS-4200 Series USERguide
LINKprotect Commands
SET LP 1 on 4 10 auto
Which Tap Pair:
This part of the command indicates which Tap pair is being modified. Some
SINGLEstream devices have multiple pairs of Taps.
This part of the command determines if the tap pair will have LINKprotect® enabled
or disabled. If the syntax to this part of the command is set to “off” the command can be entered
after this value.
Failover Seconds:
This part of the command determines the period of time between one of the
network ports going down and the Tap going into failover state.
Reconnect Seconds:
This part of the command determines the timer between each attempt for
the Tap to reconnect to the endpoints. If the tap is unable to reconnect to the endpoints, the timer
starts over. Only available in “Auto” mode.
This part of the command determines whether the SINGLEstream attempts to
reconnect to the endpoint devices once it has failed over. In “AUTO” mode the tap will refer to
the “Reconnect Seconds” to determine when it will try to reconnect. In “MANUAL” mode, the
network ports will stay failed over until the user manually inputs the LINKprotect® command
again to reactivate it.
Recover the ports (Manual mode only):
In order to bring the ports back online following a
failover, enter the LINKprotect® command again. This is typically done once the link has been
repaired, and monitoring needs to be resumed. See example 3 for the syntax of this command.
Example #1:
SET LP 1 on 4 10 AUTO. This command will turn LINKprotect® on for the first
network pair. If one of the two network ports goes down for more than 4 seconds, the port pair
will go into failover state. Every 10 seconds after the failover, the Tap will try and reconnect to
the end devices to see if link is possible.
Example #2
: SET LP 1 off. This command will turn LINKprotect® off for the first network
Which Tap Pair?
Reconnect Seconds