If equipment is stored for longer than 30 days special precautions must be taken to avoid coil damage.
All coils should be charged and sealed with a low pressure (1-3 psig) inert gas, such as nitrogen. This
prevents contaminates from entering the coils; then when the seal is broken at installation, the rush
of escaping gas verifi es the coil is still leak free. If coils are not charged and sealed condensation
mixes with air pollutants forming a weak acid and over time can cause pin hole leaks to develop in
the coil tubes.
When equipment is installed after storage caution should be taken to inspect and replace, if required,
rubber hoses and belts. All moving parts, such as blowers and motors, should be hand tested to ensure
that they are free and clear prior to start-up. Finally, verify that all lubrication is fresh and full.
It is the responsibility of the installing contractor to return the start-up sheet and warranty
registration card to Data Aire for proper activation of the unit warranty. Failure to do so
may cause delays and in some cases void the warranty.