Carbon Fiber-Handmade in Spain Darimo T1 Loop Seatpost
Llíria (València) Spain
[email protected] www.darimo.eu
Instruction Manual: Darimo Seatpost T1 Loop
Thank you for buying a Darimo product. We design from the very first steps to the
handcrafted laminates to exceed your expectations in our products.
It is very important to follow the installation instructions to ensure proper
operation of the product. Improper installation can cause damages and will reduce
the safety of the components.
You will need a torque wrench to adjust the torque without exceeding the
recommendations. If you do not feel qualified to install the seatpost, ask for a bike
professional to do it. If any doubt, please contact us.
-Before assembling:
Sandpaper is delivered with the seatpost. Review all sharp
edges of the seatpost clamping area in your bike, both,
the upper edge of the seat tube and the vertical cut. Sand
the vertical and horizontal edges to smooth any sharp
edge that could damage the carbon fibers of the seatpost.
Clean with a wipe the inside of the seat tube to a depth of about 8 cm. That will
remove any grease which will prevent proper fastening of the seat post.
Inside the box you will find a small canister with mounting paste. Apply a thin layer
of it on the seatpost section that will be introduced in the frame. Apply paste inside
the seat tube of the frame too. This paste will reduce the necessary torque to keep
the seat in its position during use. Do not use grease. Use specifically mounting
paste for carbon fiber products.
-Assembling the seatpost in the frame:
The seatpost has two white marks at the back.
Adjust the height of the seatpost for your needs. If the length is ok, the clamping
point will be between the two white marks.
Never install a seatpost in a frame if neither mark is visible (the seatpost is too
long) or both marks are visible (the seatpost is too short).
You must use a screw seat clamp to control
the correct torque with a torque wrench. Less
torque than the recommended can take down
the seatpost during its use. We recommend to
tight to the lower torque. If the seatpost goes
down, increase the torque without surpassing
the maximum torque. Overtightening above
the recommended values will damage the
seatpost compromising its strength, safety.
The damage will not be covered by warranty.
The maximum torque for the seat
clamp is 6 Nm.
Insertion limits.
Torque 4-6 Nm.