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Page 24
As soon as the probe is zeroed, the ‘STATUS’ box will display the measured field strength of the
probe (see below).
The E-field sensor is now powered on and will return optical data to the RadiCentre
As long as the probe returns optical data, the LASER will continue to power the sensor. If the loop
is interrupted, the LASER will switch off immediately.
For maximum accuracy, it is recommended to re-zero the probe whenever the probe temperature
changes by more than 5 degrees Celsius.
Reading probe data
Readings from the probe can be taken directly from the touchscreen display, with the RadiMation
EMC software or any other (custom made) software package.
Probe configuration and advanced measurement data
The ‘STATUS’ box in the main screen of the RadiCentre only displays the total isotropic field
strength. When more advanced data is required (such as field strength of the separate axis,
probe temperature, LASER current etc.). You can go into the ‘Instrument’-screen by pressing the
‘STATUS’ box of the required device from the main screen.