USB-EK01 Users Manual (Rev 1.0)
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5.2 Program and Debugging with Keil uVision
Used program used a LED lighting sample program for simple explanation. An
evaluation copy of Keil program is together it to Development Kit providing Cypress,
you shall select a option in case of installation.
Usage of a necessary program refers to Keil C51 manual to a test. You can get
detailed information in Keil Web site. You can use the evaluation copy to download
Keil Web site.
First, double click Software\Example\USB-EK01\Led.Uv2. (If Keil software
installation normally worked, a project opens like below picture.)
An extension of project is .Uv2.
[Figure 5.9 Keil program execution window]
You make simply complie as you adjust ON/OFF time. (For more information of
uVision refer to Keil manual.) A led.hex file is generated if compiled, you try to
perform it to download at board with using EzMr.exe.