PCI-AIO02 Users Manual (Rev 0.8)
7.1 System Function
Select Device
Open the device PCI-AIO0 ~ AIO05 Board
Board Number
Select the board number. (0 ~ 3)
„Device Open‟ Button
When the button clicks, open the selected board.
„Device Close‟ Button
When the button clicks, close the operated borad.
Board Version
It display a board hardware version.
7.2 ADC (Analogue Digital Converter) Test Function
„ADC Reset‟ Button
Reset the ADC function.
„ADC Init‟ Button
Initialize the ADC function.
ADC Differential Input
When the box toggles, get the Differential input.
Select Channel
Write the
ADC channels. The PCI-AIO01 channel numbers are from 0 to 7.
„ADC Read‟ Button
The ADC input of Select Channel read a data once.
„ADC Read All‟ Button
Read the all current ADC input.
ADC Auto Read
Auto read all current ADC value.