5-40 Function Relay
Above ref, high
Active when actual speed is above
the speed reference setting.
Bus ctrl.
Controls digital output/relay via bus.
The state of the output is set in
5-90 Digital & Relay Bus Control
. The
output state is retained in the event
of a bus time-out.
Bus control, timeout:
Controls output via bus. The state of
the output is set in
5-90 Digital &
Relay Bus Control
. In the event of a
bus time-out, the output state is set
high (on).
Bus control, timeout:
Controls output via bus. The state of
the output is set in
5-90 Digital &
Relay Bus Control
. In the event of a
bus time-out, the output state is set
low (off).
Heat sink cleaning
warning, high
Comparator 0
See parameter group
13-1* Smart
Logic Control
. If Comparator 0 in SLC
is TRUE, the output goes high.
Otherwise, it goes low.
Comparator 1
See parameter group
13-1* Smart
Logic Control
. If Comparator 1 in SLC
is TRUE, the output goes high.
Otherwise, it goes low.
Comparator 2
See parameter group
13-1* Smart
Logic Control
. If Comparator 2 in SLC
is TRUE, the output goes high.
Otherwise, it goes low.
Comparator 3
See parameter group
13-1* Smart
Logic Control
. If Comparator 3 in SLC
is TRUE, the output goes high.
Otherwise, it goes low.
Comparator 4
See parameter group
13-1* Smart
Logic Control
. If Comparator 4 in SLC
is TRUE, the output goes high.
Otherwise, it goes low.
Comparator 5
See parameter group
13-1* Smart
Logic Control
. If Comparator 5 in SLC
is TRUE, the output goes high.
Otherwise, it goes low.
Logic rule 0
See parameter group
13-4* Logic
. If Logic Rule 0 in SLC is TRUE,
the output goes high. Otherwise, it
goes low.
Logic rule 1
See parameter group
13-4* Logic
. If Logic Rule 1 in SLC is TRUE,
5-40 Function Relay
the output goes high. Otherwise, it
goes low.
Logic rule 2
See parameter group
13-4* Logic
. If Logic Rule 2 in SLC is TRUE,
the output goes high. Otherwise, it
goes low.
Logic rule 3
See parameter group
13-4* Logic
. If Logic Rule 3 in SLC is TRUE,
the output goes high. Otherwise, it
goes low.
Logic rule 4
See parameter group
13-4* Logic
. If Logic Rule 4 in SLC is TRUE,
the output goes high. Otherwise, it
goes low.
Logic rule 5
See parameter group
13-4* Logic
. If Logic Rule 5 in SLC is TRUE,
the output goes high. Otherwise, it
goes low.
SL digital output A
13-52 SL Controller Action
Output A is low on
[32] Smart Logic
. Output A is high on
Smart Logic Action
SL digital output B
13-52 SL Controller Action
Output B is low on
[32] Smart Logic
. Output B is high on
Smart Logic Action
SL digital output C
13-52 SL Controller Action
Output C is low on
[32] Smart Logic
. Output C is high on
Smart Logic Action
SL digital output D
13-52 SL Controller Action
Output D is low on
[32] Smart Logic
. Output D is high on
Smart Logic Action
[160] No alarm
[161] Running reverse
[165] Local ref active
[166] Remote ref active
[167] Start command activ
[168] Drive in hand mode
[169] Drive in auto mode
[170] Homing Completed
[171] Target Position
[172] Position Control
[173] Position Mech Brake
[175] Running on tension
[176] Ready to run
[193] Sleep Mode
[194] Broken Belt Function
Positioning Control
AutomationDrive FC 360
Danfoss A/S © 11/2014 All rights reserved.